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John Perkin's
Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins


You love Economics & Global History! this book is for you.

  • 250 pages
  • By John Perkins
  • Publisher: EBURY PRESS
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 009190910-4
  • Dimensions: 7.9 x 5.2 x 0.9 inches
  • First Print: 2005
  • Category: Biography/Politics
  • Special Price: £ 4.75 or $5.95
  • Cover Price: £ 7.99 or $10.20
  • India Price: Rs. 408.98

Official website of John Perkins

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Completed writing this reviiew on xx-xxxx-2007.

Book summary

As an EHM, in the '60s and '70s, covertly recruited by the US National Security Agency, John Perkins helped further American imperial interests in countries such as Ecuador, Panama, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia. He tried to write this book four times, but was threatened or bribed each time to halt. The events of 9/11 - a direct result of the activities of EHMs in the 1970s - finally forced him to confront the role he played himself, and to reveal the truth to the rest of the world. "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" has become a word-of-mouth bestseller in the US. It has been called the book that finally 'connects the dots, the book that best explains what is really going on in the world'. Once you've read it, you will find yourself recommending it to everyone you know. It can truly change the way you view the world. As one US reader writes: 'I feel that this is not just a book - it is an event, with powerful cultural and political ramifications. This book turns our understanding of history upside down, and I implore you to read it as soon as you possibly can. The more people who are aware, the more easily change can be brought about.'

'ECONOMIC HiT MEN are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex and murder. They play a game as old as Empire but one that has taken on terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.'

JOHN PERKINS should know - he was an economic hit man for an international consulting firm that worked to convince poorer countries to accept enormous development loans - and to make sure that such projects were contracted to U.S. companies. Once these countries were saddled with huge depts, the Americans government would request their "pound of flesh" in favours, including access to natural resources, military cooperation and political support.

CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN is the story of one man's experience inside the intrigue, greed, corruption and little-known govrnment and corporate activities that the U.S. have been involved in since World War II. The message is clear, unless these clandestine activities are stopped, they will have dire consequences for our future.

"Perkins has ripped open the belly of the financial buccaneers. Here are the real-life details of international corporate skullduggery spun into a tale rivaling the darkest espionage thriller" Greg Palast, author of the Best Democracy Money Can Buy

"A true, powerful, revealing and bone-chilling story" David Korten author of the bestselling When corporations Rule the World.

Review Comments:

What is Good

  • What is revealed by John Perkins is astonishing and shocking
  • Each paragraph chapter is crafted with excitement and knowledge kept secret from us.
  • You got to know political secrets of countries and American interests.
  • You can save your country from getting attacked by developed economies.
  • Well organized in small small chapters and 4 parts.

Who will like this book

  • Economists, Historian
  • Who would like to know the secrets behind American Global Empire.
  • Americans, people from Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Panama.
  • Like to read the Autobiographies.

Who will not like this book

  • One who hates reading History
  • Who dislikes knowledge of political conspiracies.
  • Who like to read Fiction more than the truth.



Part / Years Chapter Description Page No.
  Preface ix
  Prolouge xvi

Part 1:


1 An Economic Hit Man is Born 3
2 "In for Life" 12
3 Indonesia: Lessons for an EHM 20
4 Saving a Country from Communism 23
5 Selling My Soul 28

Part 2:

1971- 1975

6 My Role as Inquisitor 37
7 Civilization on Trial 42
8 Jesus, Seen Differently 47
9 Opportunity of a Lifetime 52
10 Panama's President and Hero 58
11 Pirates in the Canal Zone 63
12 Soldiers and Prostitues 64
13 Conversations with the General 71
14 Entering a New and Sinister Period in Economic History 76
15 The Saudi Arabian Money-Laundering Affair 81
16 Pimping, and Financing Osama bin Laden 93

Part 3:


17 Panama Canal Negotiations and Graham Greene 101
18 Iran's King of Kings 108
19 Confessions of a Tortured Man 113
20 The Fall of a King 117
21 Colombia: Keystone of Latin America 120
22 American Republic versus Global Empre 124
23 The Deceptive Résumé 131
24 Ecuador's President Battles Big Oil 141
25 I Quit 145

Part 4:

1981- Present

26 Ecuador's Presidential Death 153
27 Panama: Another Presidential Death 158
28 My Energy Company, Enron, and George W. Bush 162
29 I Take a Bribe 167
30 The United States Invades Panama 173
31 An EHM Failure in Iraq 182
32 September 11 and its Aftermath for Me, Personally 189
33 Venezuela: Saved by Saddam 196
34 Ecuador Revisited 203
35 Piercing the Veneer 211
  Epilogue 221
  Join Perkin's Personal History 226
  Notes 230
  Index 240
  About the Author 248


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